In other news, we've switched over to about 95% organic/local food. It's been tough getting some things, like bagels, wraps..non-canned tomatoes (wth!??). I've been getting a lot of meat from the Seacoast Eat Local winter farmer's markets. We also took a ride over to Warner to the Yankee Farmers Market and got a bunch of bison and some chicken too. Another really hard thing to get and find is Lactose Free Organic Milk. My Hannaford got a case, ran out and didn't reorder until I called them. So I have a call into Walmart to see if they'll carry it. Such a hassle. Philbrick's Fresh Market has it but for twice the price of Hannaford, hahaaaa..I don't think so people.
Christmas in two weeks!! We ordered a ham from Lasting Legacy so we'll see how that is and I'll let you know. If I don't get on before, which is most likely...Merry Christmas everyone!